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- (Can I) give you a lift?
- (I) would if I could
- (I'm) (so) glad you could come
- (I'm) (so) glad you could drop by
- (I'm/We're) (so) glad you could stop by
- (one) can do worse
- (one) can't win
- (one) can't win for losing
- (one) could be forgiven for (doing something)
- (one) could do worse
- (one) could stand (something)
- (one) could use (something)
- (one) did everything (one) could 'cept eat (someone)
- (one) might do worse
- (one) will be forgiven for (doing something)
- (one) would be forgiven for (doing something)
- (someone) could sell an icebox to an Eskimo
- (someone) could sell ice to Eskimos
- (someone) could sell sawdust to a lumber mill
- (you) could have fooled me
- a blind man could see this/that/it
- a face (that) only a mother could love
- an atmosphere that you could cut with a knife
- any fool can/could...
- any fool could (do something)
- anything can happen
- as best one can
- as far as the eye can see
- as far as the eye can/could see
- as much as (one) could do (not) (to do something)
- as much as somebody can/could do to do something
- be all (one) could do (not) to (do something)
- be all somebody can/could do to do something
- before (one) can say Jack Robinson
- before (one) could blink
- before you could say Jack Robinson
- bite off more than (one) can chew
- can carry a tune
- can do with
- Can I be excused?
- Can I call you?
- Can I come in?
- Can I get by, please?
- Can I have (one) call you?
- Can I have a lift?
- Can I have a word with you?
- Can I help you?
- Can I join you?
- Can I leave a message?
- Can I see you again?
- Can I see you in my office?
- Can I speak to (one)?
- Can I speak to ? Go to Could I speak to
- Can I take a message?
- Can I take your order?
- Can I tell (one) who's calling?
- Can I use your powder room?
- Can I/we have the bill?
- Can I/we have the check?
- Can we continue this later?
- Can you excuse us, please?
- Can you keep a secret?
- can/could teach/tell somebody a thing or two
- can't be bothered
- can't carry a tune in a bushel basket
- can't carry a tune in a paper sack
- Check, please
- could (do something) in (one's) sleep
- could (do something) standing on (one's) head
- could (do something) with (one's) eyes closed
- could (do something) with (one's) eyes shut
- could (do something) with one arm tied behind (one's) back
- could (do something) with one hand tied behind (one's) back
- could be better
- could be worse
- could care less
- could do something with your eyes closed
- could do with
- could do with (something)
- could do with something
- could do without (something)
- could drive a truck through (something)
- could eat a horse
- could fight a circle-saw
- could fight a circle-saw (and it a runnin')
- could have fooled me
- could hear a pin drop
- Could I be excused?
- Could I call you?
- Could I come in?
- Could I get by, please?
- Could I have a lift?
- Could I have call you?
- Could I help you?
- Could I join you?
- Could I leave a message?
- Could I see you again?
- Could I see you in my office?
- Could I speak to?
- Could I take a message?
- Could I take your order?
- Could I tell him who's calling?
- Could I use your powder room?
- could just as well
- could talk under water
- could teach (someone) a thing or two (about someone or something)
- could tell (someone) a thing or two (about someone or something)
- could tell someone a thing or two
- Could we continue this later?
- Could you excuse us, please?
- Could you hold(, please)?
- Could you hold?
- Could you keep a secret?
- could/can do without something
- could/might just as well...
- couldn't agree more
- couldn't care less
- couldn't care less, he/I/she
- couldn't carry a note in a bucket
- couldn't carry a tune in a bucket
- couldn't get elected dogcatcher
- couldn't happen to a nicer (person)
- couldn't run a bath
- did everything he could 'cept eat us
- face (that) would stop a clock
- face only a mother could love
- faster than you can say Jack Robinson
- glad you could come
- glad you could drop by
- he, she, etc. could/might be forgiven for doing something
- hear a pin drop, one/you could
- how can/could you!
- how could you
- How could you?
- I could (just) spit
- I could care less
- I could eat a horse
- I could eat a horse!
- I could have bitten my tongue off
- I could murder (some kind of food)
- I could murder a...
- I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you
- I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you
- I couldn’t care less
- I don't suppose you
- I don't suppose you could...
- I should cocoa!
- I wouldn't trust (someone) as far as I could throw (them)
- I wouldn't trust (someone) farther than I could throw (them)
- I, you, etc. could use a drink, etc.
- I'd like a word with you
- I'd like a word with you. and Could I have a word with you?
- I'd like to have a word with you
- if looks could kill
- if looks could kill...
- if pigs had wings, they would/could fly
- it could happen to a bishop
- it's all (one) can do (to do something)
- knock (someone) down with a feather
- knock (someone) over with a feather
- language that could/would fry bacon
- look daggers at, to
- May I speak to (one)?
- May I speak to ? Go to Could I speak to
- might could
- might just as well
- need (something) so bad (that) (one) can taste it
- neither can (one)
- not move a muscle
- not trust (someone) as far as (one) can throw (them)
- not trust (someone) farther than (one) can throw (them)
- not trust someone as far as you could throw them
- nothing could be further from (something)
- nothing could be further from my mind
- nothing could be further from my mind, the truth, etc.
- only Nixon could go to China
- quicker than you can say Jack Robinson
- so bad (that) (one) can taste it
- so clean (that) (one) could eat off the floor(s)
- so clean you could eat off the floor
- so cold (that) you could hang meat (in it/there)
- so cold you could hang meat
- so mad (that) (one) could scream
- so mad I could scream
- so quiet you could hear a pin drop
- so still you could hear a pin drop
- someone could do something in their sleep
- spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, the
- stand to lose (something)
- stand up against (someone or something)
- tell (someone) a thing or two (about someone or something)
- the least (one) could do
- the least you can/could do
- trust someone as far as one could throw him, not to/I wouldn't
- want (something) so bad (that) (one) can taste it
- we have to (learn to) walk before we (can) run
- we, you, he, etc. can/could/might do worse
- who could have thought
- Who would have thought?
- would if I could
- would/could kill for (something)
- you could cut (something) with a knife
- you could cut it with a knife
- you could cut the atmosphere with a knife
- you could eat off the floor(s)
- you could have fooled me
- you could have fooled me!
- you could have heard a pin drop
- you could have knocked me down with a feather
- you could have knocked me over with a feather
- you could have knocked me, etc. down with a feather
- you could hear a pin drop
- you could hear the grass grow(ing)
- you have to (learn to) walk before you (can) run
- you must (learn to) walk before you (can) run