Also found in: Dictionary, Medical, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Acronym | Definition |
HIM | Health Information Management |
HIM | Honors in the Major (various schools) |
HIM | Half-Ironman |
HIM | He Is Mighty |
HIM | His Infernal Majesty (band) |
HIM | History of Islamic Medicine (exhibit) |
HIM | Human Interaction Management |
HIM | Hotel Institute Montreux |
HIM | Hostage Incident Management |
HIM | Highway Incident Management (various locations) |
HIM | Health Industry Management (various schools) |
HIM | Hyper-IgM Syndrome |
HIM | Historical Images in Medicine (Duke University; North Carolina) |
HIM | Human Interface Module |
HIM | Health Insurance Manual |
HIM | Hardware Interface Module |
HIM | Health Informatics Management |
HIM | Hamtramck Idea Men (Hamtramck, MI) |
HIM | Hydroxy-Interlayered Mineral |
HIM | Hibernian Investment Manager |
HIM | Honda Interface Module |
HIM | Heated Injection Manifold (semiconductors) |
HIM | High-Order Instantaneous Moment |
HIM | Heliocentric Information Map |
HIM | Hearts In Mission |
HIM | Hands In Motion, Inc (Lohrville, Iowa ministry providing sign language interpreters) |
HIM | Hybrid Impedance Matrix |
HIM | Hometronic Internet Module |
HIM | Her/His Imperial Majesty |
HIM | Home Interview Manual |
HIM | Hot Ingot Magnet |