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Related to come: come together
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1. verb, vulgar slang To orgasm. The alternate spelling "cum" is often used. I don't think I'll sleep with him again—I didn't come the last time.
2. noun, vulgar slang Semen. Will a black light pick up bodily fluids like come?
and cum1. in. to experience an orgasm. (There is no other single word for this meaning. Usually objectionable.) God, I thought she’d never cum.
2. n. semen. (Usually objectionable.) Do you think cum is alive?
/become unstuck To break down or fall apart: a marriage that came unstuck after only a year.
comes with the territory
Is part of specific conditions or circumstances. For example, “You may not like dealing with difficult customers, but it comes with the territory.” The term, which originally alluded to traveling salesmen who had to accept whatever they found in their assigned region, or “territory,” soon came to be extended to other areas. It dates from the second half of the twentieth century.
- (early) morning dreams come true
- (I'm) (so) glad you could come
- (one's) boat comes in
- (one's) number comes up
- (one's) ship comes in
- (someone's or something's) time has come
- a Daniel come to judgement
- a harbinger of things to come
- a portent of things to come
- a sign of things to come
- after
- After a storm comes a calm
- after Saturday comes Sunday
- after the storm comes a calm
- all good things come to an end
- all good things must (come to an) end
- all is fish that comes to his net
- all is grist that comes to the mill
- all things come to those who wait
- All-y all-y oxen free!
- along for the ride, to go/to come/just
- amount to the same thing
- amount/come to the same thing
- arrive/come on the scene
- as (something) as they come
- as as they come
- as clever, stupid, etc. as they come
- as it comes
- bad penny, always turns up (comes back) like a
- be a poor second
- be a poor third
- be a revelation
- be as (something) as they come
- be down on (one) like a ton of bricks
- be in on the ground floor
- be on stream
- be the shape of things to come
- be within a whisker of (something)
- be, come, etc. within a whisker of something/of doing something
- be, come, get, etc. in on the ground floor
- be/come a poor second, third, etc.
- be/come down on somebody like a ton of bricks
- be/come on stream
- be/come to the fore
- be/come under fire
- be/come up against a brick wall
- bend over, here it comes again
- best things come in small packages, good things come in small packages
- big things come in small packages
- bigger they come, the harder they fall, the
- blast (someone or something) to kingdom come
- blow (someone or something) to kingdom come
- blow someone/something to kingdom come
- blow to kingdom come
- blow, send, etc. somebody to kingdom come
- bring (one) back (down) to earth
- bring somebody/come down to earth
- bring something/come to a head
- bring to a head
- Can I come in?
- chickens come home to roost
- chickens come home to roost, one's
- Christmas comes but once a year
- come
- come (a)round
- come (in) over the transom
- come (in)to (one's) kingdom
- come (one's) way
- come a cropper
- come a gutser
- come a long way
- come a poor second
- come a poor third
- come a purler
- come aboard
- come about
- come a-cropper
- come across
- come across as (someone or something)
- come across as (something) to (one)
- come across like
- come across like (someone or something)
- come across with (something)
- come across with something
- come after
- come after (someone or something)
- Come again
- come again?
- come alive
- come along
- come along for the ride
- come and get it
- Come and get it!
- come and go
- come apart
- come apart at the seams
- come apart at the seams, to
- come around
- come as a revelation
- come as no surprise
- come as/be a revelation
- come at
- come at (someone or something)
- come at a price
- come at me
- come at me, bro
- come away
- come away empty-handed
- come away with
- come away with (one)
- come back
- come back (down) to earth
- come back and see me
- Come back and see us
- come back anytime
- come back from the dead
- come back to bite (one)
- come back to earth to earth
- come back to haunt (one)
- come back to haunt one
- come back to the fold
- Come back when you can stay longer
- come before
- come before (someone or something)
- come between
- come between (two or more people)
- come by
- come by (something) honestly
- come by honestly
- come by the worst
- come cap in hand
- come clean
- come clean about (something)
- come clean about something
- come clean with (someone)
- come clean with (someone) about (something)
- come clean with someone
- come clean with someone about something
- come clean, to
- come close
- come close to blows
- come down
- come down hard
- come down hard on (someone or something)
- come down hard on someone
- come down in buckets
- come down in the world
- come down like a ton of bricks
- come down on
- come down on (one) like a ton of bricks
- come down on (someone or something)
- come down on someone like a ton of bricks
- come down on the side of (someone or something)
- come down the pike
- come down to
- come down to (some place)
- come down to earth
- come down to some place
- come down to the line
- come down to the wire
- come down to us
- come down with
- come down with (something)
- come down/out on the side of somebody/something
- come easily to (one)
- come easily, naturally, etc. to somebody
- come easy to
- come easy to (one)
- come face to face with (someone or something)
- come face to face with someone
- come face to face with something
- come first
- come for
- come for (someone or something)
- come forth
- come forward
- come from
- come from (someone or something)
- come from a good place
- come from behind
- come from far and wide
- come from left field
- come from nowhere
- come full circle
- come hell and high water
- come hell or high water
- come home
- come home by Weeping Cross
- come home from (some place or something)
- come home from some place
- come home to
- come home to (someone or something)
- come home to roost
- come home to someone
- come in
- come in a certain position
- come in all shapes and sizes
- Come in and make yourself at home
- come in and set a spell
- Come in and sit a spell
- come in and sit down
- come in and take a load off your feet
- come in contact
- come in for
- come in for (something)
- come in from the cold
- come in handy
- come in handy/useful
- come in heat
- come in on the ground floor
- come in out of the rain
- come in out of the rain, know enough to
- come in over the transom
- come in useful
- come in(to) contact
- come in(to) heat
- come in(to) line
- come in(to) season
- come into
- come into (one's) head
- come into (one's) own
- come into (some) money
- come into a (small) fortune
- come into being
- come into bloom
- come into blossom
- come into conflict
- come into effect
- come into existence
- come into fashion
- come into focus
- come into its own
- come into its/your own
- come into line
- come into money
- come into operation
- come into own
- come into play
- come into power
- come into prominence
- come into question
- come into season
- come into service
- come into sight
- come into the open
- come into the world
- come into use
- come into view
- come into your kingdom
- come into your own
- come into your/its own
- come into/go out of use
- come it
- come it (with one)
- come it over
- come it over (one)
- come it strong
- come knocking at (one's) door
- come knocking at the door
- come knocking on (one's) door
- come knocking on the door
- come Monday
- come naturally
- come now
- come of
- come of age
- come off
- come off it
- Come off it!
- come off second best
- come off the fence
- come off worse
- come off worst
- come on
- come on (too) strong
- come on as
- come on as (something)
- come on board
- come on in
- come on in, the water's fine
- Come on in, the water's fine!
- come on into (some place)
- come on like gangbusters
- come on line
- come on over
- come on stream
- come on strong
- come on the scene
- come on to (one)
- come on to someone
- come on top of
- come on top of (something)
- come on, man
- come one, come all
- come one's way
- come online
- come out
- come out (a certain way) on (something)
- come out against
- come out against (someone or something)
- come out ahead
- come out at
- come out at an amount
- come out badly
- come out fighting
- come out for
- come out for (someone or something)
- come out in
- come out in (something)
- come out in bloom
- come out in favor of (someone or something)
- come out in the open
- come out in the open with
- come out in the open with (something)
- come out in the wash
- come out in the wash, it will
- come out in(to) the open
- come out of
- come out of (one's) shell
- come out of (something)
- come out of a clear blue sky
- come out of a/the clear blue sky
- come out of left field
- come out of one's shell
- come out of one's shell, to
- come out of shell
- come out of the blue
- come out of the box
- come out of the closet
- come out of the woodwork
- come out of your shell
- come out on
- come out on the side of (someone or something)
- come out on top
- come out smelling like a rose
- come out smelling of roses
- come out swinging
- come out the little end of the horn
- come out to
- come out to (someone or something)
- come out to (someone)
- come out to (something)
- come out to be
- come out toward(s) (someone or something)
- come out well
- come out with
- come out with (something)
- come over
- come rain or shine
- come rain, come shine
- Come right in
- come round
- come running
- come short
- come short of
- come short of (something)
- come the
- come the (something)
- come the acid
- come the old soldier
- come the raw prawn
- come thick and fast
- come through
- come through (something) with flying colors
- come to
- come to (one's) assistance
- come to (one's) attention
- come to (one's) ears
- come to (one's) feet
- come to (one's) knowledge
- come to (one's) notice
- come to (one's) senses
- come to (someone's) aid
- come to (someone's) rescue
- come to a bad end
- come to a bad/sticky end
- come to a boil
- come to a climax
- come to a close
- come to a conclusion
- come to a dead end
- come to a full stop
- come to a grinding/screeching halt
- come to a halt
- come to a head
- come to a head, to
- come to a parting of the ways
- come to a pretty pass
- come to a standstill
- come to a sticky end
- come to a stop
- come to a/the conclusion
- come to an end
- come to an impasse
- come to an understanding
- come to an understanding with (one)
- come to an untimely end
- come to assistance
- come to attention
- come to blows
- come to blows about (something)
- come to blows, to
- come to feet
- come to fruition
- come to grief
- come to grief, to
- come to grips with
- come to grips with (someone or something)
- come to harm
- come to heel
- come to Jesus
- come to life
- come to light
- come to mention it
- come to mind
- come to much
- come to naught
- come to no good
- come to no harm
- come to nothing
- come to nought
- come to one's senses
- come to oneself
- come to papa
- come to pass
- come to pass, to
- come to rescue
- come to rest
- come to senses
- come to somebody's knowledge
- come to such a pass
- come to terms
- come to terms with
- come to terms with (someone or something)
- come to terms with something
- come to that
- come to the boil
- come to the fore
- come to the job with
- come to the job with (something)
- come to the point
- come to the point and get to the point
- come to the position with (something)
- come to the same thing
- come to the same thing, to
- come to the table
- come to the task with (something)
- come to think of it
- come to this
- come to your senses
- come to/reach somebody's ears
- come together
- come true
- come under
- come under (someone or something)
- come under fire
- come under the hammer
- come unglued
- come unhinged
- come unstuck
- come up
- come up a storm
- come up against
- come up against (something)
- come up against a brick wall
- come up dry
- come up for
- come up for (something)
- come up for air
- come up from behind
- come up heads
- come up in the world
- come up roses
- come up smelling like a rose
- come up smelling like roses
- come up smelling like roses, to
- come up smelling of roses
- come up smiling
- come up tails
- come up through the ranks
- come up to
- come up to (one's) expectations
- come up to expectations
- come up to standards
- come up trumps
- come up with
- come up with (something)
- come up with the goods
- come up with the rations
- come up with/deliver/produce the goods
- come up/out of something smelling of roses
- come up/rise through the ranks
- come upon
- come upon (someone or something)
- come way
- come what may
- come with
- come with (one)
- come with receipts